In Denmark, we can be proud. According to the UN's E-Government Survey, the Danish digital public sector is the best in the world. Since 2001, the UN has conducted benchmarking across all 193 member states, and this is the third time Denmark has taken first place. The UN report is the only global report that follows the development of public digitalization.

The latest report is from September 2022 and is published every two years. This means that this year we will find out if Denmark is still the world's best digital public sector. Last time, our Nordic neighbors Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Iceland were right on our heels.

  • Digital services
  • Telecommunications infrastructure
  • Education level of the population

At the last award ceremony, Tanja Franck, Director of the Danish Agency for Digitization, said: "But even though public digital self-service solutions make everyday life easier for many, we must also remember that the public sector is for all citizens, and that not everyone has an easy time navigating our digital society".

At Aliro Docs, we are proud to contribute to the public sector in Denmark by improving web accessibility on public digital services so that more citizens can benefit from our digital society. We hope to maintain our number one position, but it takes constant development, focus and work to keep our Nordic neighbors on the back foot.

Together, let's improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments or disabilities and contribute to a fully inclusive digitalized society now and in the future.