

Availability on demand

Aliro OnDemand is designed for organizations and businesses that have numerous PDF files online but only want to offer web-accessible versions when end-users directly request them. 

This means that when individuals with visual impairments or other cognitive challenges order an accessible PDF file because they need the information, the document will be made accessible so that a screen reader can be used. 

Aliro OnDemand is a cost-effective, efficient, and pragmatic solution to make documents accessible that would otherwise not be handled. However, it should not be relied upon as a standalone solution. 

Senior sends an email to young man

When should I use Aliro OnDemand?

If your organization has a large number of PDF files, Aliro OnDemand can be a supplementary solution. Three examples could be:

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Low visitation

If, for example, you have many PDF files on your website with limited traffic, you can consider an OnDemand solution from Aliro Docs to focus on the most essential. 


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Limited target audience

Aliro OnDemand is intended for a known and limited target audience. It is important that this audience has the opportunity to access information and participate in society on equal terms with everyone else. 

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Publication date

Documents published before September 2018 are not covered by the Web Accessibility Act. OnDemand can help when individuals with disabilities need specific information. 


In the Aliro OnDemand solution, no PDF files are made accessible. Instead, all relevant PDF files are equipped with a customized ordering function, allowing a screen reader user to order an accessible version the moment they open the PDF file.

What about data security (GDPR)?

No user data will be sent to us. All user orders go directly to you every time. In other words, the solution is entirely GDPR compliant. There is no need for an actual data processing agreement based on this solution.

Are we overwhelmed with orders?

No, we have implemented this solution for thousands of documents, but we receive a limited number of orders for full accessibility. In other words, it is not a solution that is being abused.

Can the solution handle multiple languages?

Yes, we can customize Aliro OnDemand to handle all the languages needed, ensuring that the ordering module matches the language in the current document.

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Contact us

If you want to learn more about our services or have any other questions, please send us an email and one of our consultants will call you as soon as possible.

+45 93 10 22 80
✉ kontakt@alirodocs.com