A tag tree is a structural hierarchy. It communicates the author's intent in relation to the content of the document to ensure that it is understood correctly when using assistive technology. These can be assistive technologies such as NVDA or JAWS, which is software that uses digitized speech to read the content on computer-based devices. A tag tree will indicate the logical order of content in terms of content, images, figures, tables, etc.

When we at Aliro Docs audit documents for our customers, where we test for compliance with the ISO standard for PDF accessibility PDF/UA and the general standard for web accessibility WCAG 2.1, we also look specifically at the tag tree. 

📕 Aliro Dictionary is our own little dictionary of relevant web accessibility concepts and terminology in PDF format. Here we try to describe the terms used in accessibility and documents to increase understanding and awareness, so that together we can improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments or disabilities and contribute to a fully inclusive digitalized society now and in the future

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