The last Wednesday in April is an international day of celebration, and it's not just anyone we celebrate on this day. On Wednesday, April 24th, guide dogs are celebrated around the world. Most people want to live a free life without being dependent on others - and blind and visually impaired people are no exception. However, they do rely on certain assistive devices to get by in daily life, and one of the most important "assistive devices" is man's best friend, the pooch.

Guide dogs make a tangible difference by being the eyes of the user in traffic, ensuring that people with visual impairments can travel safely in traffic and still feel some degree of independence. That's why guide dogs should be rewarded. The Danish Society for the Blind and the National Association for Guide Dog Users are awarding the Guide Dog of the Year on this day and typically emphasize that the dog contributes to freedom and makes a significant difference to the user.  

At Aliro Docs, we are hugely inspired by the guide dog and support the recognition of dogs. At the same time, we also try, albeit on a somewhat lower level, to contribute to freedom and try to make a significant difference for people with visual impairments or disabilities with Aliro Training. Therefore, we train employees in municipalities, regions, banks, ministries and agencies in web accessibility and related tools. This means that all citizens in society, regardless of visual impairment or cognitive challenges, have the opportunity to access the same information as everyone else. Everyone has a desire to be independent and self-reliant, and sometimes that freedom is walking on four legs or synthetic speech from a screen reader.

Together, let's improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments or disabilities and contribute to a fully inclusive digitalized society now and in the future.

#guidedogsday #accessibility law #webaccessibility #alirodocs #danskblindesamfund #documentaccessibility #guidedog of the year #landsforeningenforførerhundebrugere #digital society #alirosoftware #alirotraining #freedom #assistive technology